woke up in the morning, about to sell my tires which were too fat for my rims. sigh sigh tired to sell it to some beaner with some ugly ass glasses omfg at autobacs. he woke me up wanted to meet me and NOT buy it holy fuck mother fucker fail. ok after that i just posted it up some other websites and stuff. After that i went to go pick up new tires for my car ! YIPPPPPPPIE!! i brought two tires which were only 150 for 19" WHAT A STEAL HUH. ok after that met up jun at firestone to find out the manager was still there so i couldnt get hooked up. another FAIL. but after like 30 minutes he called me and told me he left so i rushed over there to get them on before school. blowing off brandon cause he was coming over. my bad brandon. while they were putting on my tires which took forever stupid thin tires, juns friend felix - the cat told me to go buy them drinks at the mobile gas station which were a buck each. so he gave me money and i went trying to STUMBLE 3 drinks in my hand. loose change in my slipper and my wallet on my waist (due to no pockets) where everyone stared at me on chapman and brookhurst lol fuck it., then i went home showered dressed and went to school engishhhhhh 99 with my sister.. fuck essay every fucking day man. EVERY fucking day i dont have money for that much paper i rather just read! well thats about it. no pictures . sorry school sucks btw. i hate it. well peaaace out blogger readers.
i miss highschool. & old times ;

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